
Kings CopsePrimary School


Welcome toKings CopsePrimary School

Team Kings Copse


Who are we?

Our PTA currently consists of a small group of parents and carers who work together to raise much needed funds for the school. Alongside this group, we also have regular volunteers who come along and help at our events, plus people who help occasionally when they have an hour or 2 spare. The fantastic staff team at Kings Copse also support us at our larger events.

What do we do?

We plan a variety of events throughout the year. The children really enjoy our themed discos, Christmas and Summer Fairs. They also enjoy choosing special gifts for their loved ones at our popular Wrap Room events. We sell refreshments at school performances, hold regular pre-loved uniform sales and run raffles. We are always open to new ideas!


We raise money for school projects like the improvement of the Forest School area and contribute towards educational visits and experiences. We provide the extra funds needed to further enhance the educational experiences of all the children at Kings Copse.

How can you help?

  • Come along to one of our friendly meetings to find out more and share your ideas. There is no pressure to join but new committee members will be warmly welcomed. We are also looking for someone to take over the role of Vice-Chair and Secretary.


  • Spare an hour or two to help at an event.


  • Donate a raffle prize. We will happily give your business a shout out on our Facebook page.



  • Share your expertise in other ways such as baking cakes to sell at events, wrapping gifts, inventing a new game for the fair or creating flyers to advertise our events.  

Contact us:


Team Kings Copse PTA 2024 


Committee Members:


Chloe Smith (Chair)


Laura Fletcher-Kolli (Treasurer)

Nadia Herbert (Vice Treasurer)


PTA Members:

Alex Suffolk

Claire Tovey


Staff members:

Mrs Hope

Mrs Sampson

Team Kings Copse Newsletters
