SEN Information Report
Kings Copse Primary School aims to enable all children, including those with Special Educational Needs to have access to a well-balanced and broad based curriculum in order to achieve their full potential. We pride ourselves in supporting pupils to develop their confidence, independence and positive self-esteem through a secure and caring environment.
The Special Educational Needs or Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
is Mrs Jo Hart
The Teacher in Charge of the Resource Provision for Visually Impaired Pupils
is Miss Bernie O'Byrne (QTVI)
From September 2014 every Local Authority will be required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and also services
outside the area which they expect children and young people will use. This will be known as the local offer.
All schools are to complete an SEN information report, which will contribute to the local offer.
At Kings Copse Primary School, this report is designed to communicate to parents/carers and give a clear profile on how we work with children with SEND in our individual setting.
Kings Copse Primary School
Kings Copse Primary School is a mainstream setting, with an additional resource provision for pupils with a Visual Impairment. We welcome all children whatever their abilities and needs.
We believe all pupils should have access to a broad, balanced curriculum that is differentiated to their individual needs.
The building is accessible to children with a physical disability and we ensure equipment is fully accessible to all children regardless of need.
Extra- curricular activities and before/after school provision is accessible for all children with SEND.
Our practice is in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2014.
How does the school know if my child needs extra help?
At Kings Copse Primary School, we know children need extra help if:
• Limited progress is being made through the school’s assessment procedures
• Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers or the child
• There is a change in the pupil’s behaviour or progress
How can I let the school know if I am concerned about my child?
• If you have concerns about your child, you should speak to the class teacher initially
• If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed, and that your child is still not making progress, you should speak to the SENDCo, QTVI (For VI Pupils) or Head Teacher
How will the school support my child?
High Quality Inclusive Teaching
• Each pupil will have access to high quality inclusive teaching, as planned by the class teacher. This is support that is tailored to individual needs within the classroom. It may include additional support by the teacher or Learning Support Assistant in class.
High quality inclusive teaching also includes:
- Having high expectations for your child and all pupils within the class
- Teaching is based on building upon skills and knowledge the child already has and moving them forward
- Using different teaching styles, such as practical learning and using the outdoor space
- Specific strategies that may be suggested by the SENDCo and outside agencies involved with your child’s care
Small Group Work
• Pupils may have access to specific small group work. This support is available to any child within school. These groups may be run by the Class Teacher, Curriculum Support Teacher or Learning Support Assistant.
• These groups may work on English and Maths skills, or have a focus on friendship and social skills.
Specialist Small Group Work
• Specialist groups are run for children who have barriers to their learning that high quality inclusive teaching may not be able to meet. Examples of these specialist groups are Speech and Language groups and Occupational Therapy groups. These groups are run with the support and advice from professional outside agencies and Learning Support Assistants with specific training will run these groups under the guidance of the SENDCo.
• In order for your child to access a specialist group, they would need to be identified by the SENDCo, parents or by a professional, such as the Educational Psychologist (EP), Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) or Occupational Therapist (OT). Parents would have given permission for these specialists to be involved with the care of their child.
Individual Support
• If your child is showing a particular difficulty and making limited progress, the school may support your child by running an individual intervention.
• These are 1 to 1 short term programmes, designed to give your child intensive support for the area of difficulty presented. Programmes available within school are shown through the school’s SEN provision map and change depending on need through the school.
• The suitability of the intervention programme is dependent on child’s ability and age and the SENDCo with the class teacher is responsible for organising this provision.
• Fully trained Learning Support Assistants or the SENDCo deliver these interventions.
• Parents are notified through a letter/parent’s consultations that their child is having any individual support.
Individual Support (Individual Provision and Assessment Documents)
• All children identified by the SEND register will have an Individual Provision and Assessment Document (Formerly IEPs).
• These plans have small targets and ideas to support your child in making progress. They are reviewed every term by the Class Teacher, SENDCo and any other adults working with your child.
• These are sent home so parents are aware of their child’s individual targets and the small steps of progress the school is currently working on.
• The documents are flexible within school and if a child has met the target, school staff will automatically progress the child onto a new target without having to wait for the next term’s review.
Individual Support (Pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan)
This type of support is available for children whose needs are severe, complex and long term. Children would usually require specialist support, such as from the Local Authority, Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology Services or from Medical teams.
Pupils may join Kings Copse with an EHCP in place from their pre-school or previous school. The school will read through the arrangements and provision suggested in the ECHP and work in consultation with parents and professionals to put them into practice.
Pupils who may require an Education, Health and Care plan.
• The school (or you) can request that the local authority carry out a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. This is a legal process, which sets out the amount of support that will be provided for your child
• Kings Copse Primary School values that this process will be undertaken as a partnership between home and school and other professionals that have been involved with your child’s support.
• The school will send the request to the local authority. This is a large document full of information about your child and you will have been included in the collection of evidence and your opinions sought.
• The local authority will decide, based on the evidence given, whether or not to proceed with the assessment.
• If the local authority declines the request, they will give school and home a document outlining support and strategies to be used in the future.
• If the request is successful the EHCP will outline a number of hours for individual/small group support your child will receive and what support strategies should be put in place. It will also give long term and short term goals for your child.
• Kings Copse Primary will work in consultation with parents to put the provision/strategies in place as suggested by the EHCP.
Children who have an EHCP will have an annual review. This is a meeting whereby we all review the statement, suggest ways forward and monitor progress. Professionals, staff and parents are all invited to the meeting and have the opportunity to share reports, discuss successes and areas for development.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
• Class Teachers plan lessons according to specific needs within their class.
• Work/activities are differentiated to enable children to access the curriculum at their level.
• Learning Support Assistants can adapt planning and be allocated to work with pupils, either 1 to 1 or in small groups.
• Children may have access to specialist equipment and resources to support in accessing the curriculum.
How will I know how my child is doing?
Your child’s progress is continually monitored by their Class Teacher and is discussed each half term with the Headteacher, Deputy Head Teacher, and SENDCo/QTVI as part of our pupil progress meetings.
• Your child’s progress is also discussed during termly review meetings each term with the SENDCo or QTVI (VI pupils only).
• Kings Copse Primary also assess children’s reading and spelling ages each year to monitor progress.
• All pupils have their progress and individual target sheets shared through parent’s consultations through the year.
• Pupils with an EHCP will have an annual review where progress is shared.
• Parents are welcome to talk through progress concerns with their Class Teacher, SENDCo, QTVI (VI Pupils) through making an appointment with the school office.
• All children receive an annual report from their Class Teacher during the summer term.
How will I be involved in discussions about planning for my child’s education?
Parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education, this may be through:
• Discussions with the class teacher.
• During parents evenings, targets and Individual Provision and Assessment documents are discussed and parental feedback/suggestions are welcomed.
• Discussions with the SENDCo/QTVI or other professionals during meetings.
• For pupils with an EHCP, these discussions also occur during annual reviews.
How will the school help me in supporting my child at home?
• The Class Teacher is available for you to discuss your child’s progress and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used.
• The SENDCo/QTVI is also available to discuss strategies and offer support for any behavioural/emotional needs. They are available during parent consultations for ‘drop ins’
• All information from outside agencies will be shared/discussed in person or through a report.
• Kings Copse Primary School also employs an Inclusion Support Learning Assistant who can be contacted if parents require any support at home or sign posting to where support is available.
What support is available for my child’s overall well-being?
Kings Copse Primary School offers a wide variety of pastoral support for all pupils, who are encountering emotional, behavioural or social difficulties. Children may need pastoral support through short term parts of their school career, or longer term support as appropriate to their individual needs.
We can offer
• Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
• FEIPS (Framework for Enhanced Individual Pastoral Support)
• Friendship groups
• Social skills groups
• Time to talk
• In class behaviour support strategies
• Signposting to relevant agencies
• Lunchtime clubs – activities for children who find lunchtime a challenge
• Buddy systems
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
Available in school:
• Speech, Language and Communication Assistant
• ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
• FEIPS – Framework for Enhanced Individual Pastoral Support
• Counselling – provided by feeder secondary school
• Outreach service from Special schools
Accessed by the school:
• Hampshire Educational Psychology Service
• NHS Speech and Language Therapy
• School Nurse
• Occupational Therapy
• Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
• Primary Behaviour Support
• Local Authority Services, such as Specialist Teacher advisers for Physical Difficulties, Visual impairments, Hearing impairments, Communication and Language Team
How are the staff in school helped to work with children with SEND and what training do they have?
• The SENDCo and QTVI support the class teachers in planning and resourcing for children with SEND.
• As part of the performance management cycle, every staff member has opportunities to improve practice, teaching and learning of all pupils, including those with SEND. This may include whole school training, individual courses and e-learning opportunities.
• The SENDCo and QTVI plan training opportunities with their support staff teams and with the whole school during INSET days and regularly meet with their teams for update and advice sessions. Training and development is linked with the school development, SEND development and VI development plans.
• Individual staff may also access advice and support from outside agencies who are working with specific individual children.
How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom, including school trips?
At Kings Copse Primary School, activities and trips are available to all pupils.
• Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
• If an intensive level of support is required for an individual pupil, we may ask a parent or carer to accompany their child during an activity or a key member of staff would be put in place for that child.
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Kings Copse primary or transferring to a new class or school?
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for children with SEND and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
If your child is joining Kings Copse:
• Early Years Practitioners and the SENDCo/QTVI will endeavour to visit the pre-school or make links with pre-school/agencies involved with your child before they start school.
• We offer a home visits to all our parents of children coming into Reception year.
When moving between classes at Kings Copse:
• Information is passed between class teachers in advance of joining the new class.
• If your child would be helped by a social story to support them in understanding moving on then it will be made and shared within school and a copy sent home for the summer holidays.
• Pupils attend a ‘changeover’ morning where they can spend some time with their new teacher and any adults supporting them.
Moving to secondary school:
• The SENDCo/QTVI or Year 6 teacher will attend the primary transition event to discuss specific needs of the child with secondary school staff.
• Your child may have extra transition visits with the secondary school and in some cases secondary staff may visit your child within school.
• Our school ELSA is able to run transition groups or 1 to 1 sessions to talk through and support anxieties about going to secondary school.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the children’s special educational needs?
• The school receives a budget from the local authority to support pupils with SEND.
• The Head Teacher and Governing body decide on the budget for SEND.
• The Head Teacher and SENDCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including;
- The children getting extra support already
- The children needing extra support
- The children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected
Together they decide what resources/training and support is needed. This support is regularly reviewed and changes made as required.
• Resources are allocated according to individual need, children with an EHCP may have specific allocations in terms of resources and additional adult support. These will be met in full.
Who I can contact for further information?
Our SENDCo is Mrs Jo Hart and she works in school on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Our QTVI is Miss Bernie O'Byrne and she works Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
There is a member of the Governing Body responsible for SEND, they can be contacted through the school office.
Kings Copse Primary School
Kings Copse Road
Hedge End
SO30 0PQ
Tel: 01489 785040