
Kings CopsePrimary School


Welcome toKings CopsePrimary School

School Meals




Why should my children have School Meals?


Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HCCEC) endeavours to provide each primary age child at schools where we provide the catering, with a healthy, tasty, value for money meal.


The hot, two course meal costs £3.20. There is a daily choice of either a meat or non-meat main item, and this comes with a carbohydrate (i.e. potatoes, rice, pasta), vegetables and salad. Dessert is a choice of fresh fruit or the daily pudding being offered.


The primary meals are also nut free and therefore suitable for any child that has a nut allergy. All items on the main menu have been checked and confirmed as manufactured in a nut free environment, which means that any child with a nut allergy can eat regularly with us and does not need to be registered for a special diet.


HCCEC continues to keep to the Hyperactive Children's Support Group's recommendations to remove over 70 additives and colourings that could affect children's behaviour. In addition, local produce is used wherever possible, for example, free range eggs from the New Forest area, beef from Overton and apple juice from Selborne.


If you believe your child is entitled to free school meals, we have an online service to allow parents to check this. Parents can enter their details and those of their child to get an immediate result and if eligible, this information will go direct to their child's school to inform them of the entitlement.


Please click here to check your eligibility


Finally, please remember that HCCEC provides medically requested special diets for various allergies. The way special diest are managed will be changing from September 2021. If you would like your child/ren to continue to receive a special diet meal after this date, you will need to create an online account and resubmit your medical evidence. For more information please visit:


If you have any questions about our food or special diets, please call HCCEC on 023 8062 7730 or call in at the school office for a chat.


What’s on the menu?

The menu changes after October half term and Easter each year and runs on a three week cycle - please click here to view the latest choices and weeks of availability. Photos of each meal are available too, so you can see the meal options being provided each day.


Fresh fruit or fruit juice may be served as an alternative dessert, a salad bar is available for older children and bread will be available daily.

Pasta will be available as an alternative carbohydrate when roast or chipped potatoes are being served.

School Menus


Our latest School Dinner Menu: Online Menu

Please note that a new menu is published after Easter and the October half term each year.
