
Kings CopsePrimary School


Welcome toKings CopsePrimary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


All maintained schools in England and Wales are required to report on the impact of the Pupil Premium, a fund given to schools by central government on the basis of need. Pupil Premium funding is intended to support vulnerable groups, such as service children or children from low-income families.

The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and the Government believes it is the best way to address underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers. The hope is that funding to tackle disadvantage will reach the pupils who need it most. The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months.

Our school uses this funding to deliver activities and provide support to pupils who were eligible as described above, in a variety of ways. Previous funding has been used for:

  • Purchase of Mathletics software for use by PP children at home
  • Purchase of Numicon (maths) resources for use with PP children
  • Purchase of Firm Foundations (SEN) kits for use with PP children
  • Professional development for support staff to run tailored interventions for PP children
  • Provision of additional ELSA support for PP children
  • Provision of additional Social Skills and Friendship Groups for PP children
  • Additional support at lunchtimes
for PP children
  • Provision of SIDNEY interventions for PP children
  • Appointment of Curriculum Support Teachers to provide additional small group tuition to PP children in danger of missing targets or falling below expectations
  • Provision of extra-curricular activities and peripatetic instrument tuition to boost the confidence of PP children
  • Provision of 1:1 tuition to PP children in danger of missing targets


Our Pupil premium strategy is updated annually and reviewed by the Governing Board in December. This will be uploaded with immediate effect in the spring term.


Please see our current allocated funding document to see how our current Pupil Premium money is being spent.
